Lauren Dike, Founder of Harmonna Inclusive Wellbeing, combines personal insights with professional expertise in stress management, neuroscience, and DEI to revolutionize workplace cultures. Growing up as the only Black child in many spaces, she learned early on to overperform to avoid negative attention. This drive followed her into corporate spaces, where she overcompensated to counteract the pressure of being different. She often presented an inauthentic version of herself, believing the real Lauren wasn’t enough.

In her career, Lauren moved from job to job, seeking fresh starts and safety, only to realize that the safety she sought needed to come from within. Her constant state of survival mode left her in a state of hypervigilance, negatively impacting her nervous system and mental health. This profound personal experience became the catalyst for her work with Harmonna, where she now helps others find internal wellness and break free from the pressures that stifle authenticity.

Who are the people?

  • Lauren Dike, Founder and wellness strategist, pioneers a new approach to workplace well-being that integrates neuroscience-based stress regulation and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Her mission is to help companies build healthier, more inclusive cultures that allow employees to thrive authentically.
  • Pauline Romas – Lead Consultant

The audience

  • Harmonna serves organizations and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that are committed to improving employee well-being, reducing stress, and fostering more inclusive and productive workplaces.

Key phrases/group names

  • “Inclusive Well-being through Neuroscience”
  • “Building Resilient Workplaces”
  • “Wellness as a Business Strategy”

The differentiator (What are they really selling?)
Lauren goes beyond typical wellness recommendations like meditation and medication. She combines neuroscience-based stress regulation with her personal insights on racial dynamics and stress, addressing workplace culture at a deeper level. Her programs help organizations recognize and tackle the hidden stressors caused by cultural imbalances, reducing burnout and fostering inclusion.

How does it make money?
Harmonna offers corporate wellness consulting, customized workshops, and 1:1 coaching that integrates stress resilience, DEI, and wellness strategies into company cultures. These services aim to enhance employee engagement, reduce absenteeism, and improve overall workplace productivity.

Why you love the brand and what you see for it in the future
Lauren is a professional truth telling and her approach to addressing nervous system regulation and authentic inclusion positions Harmonna as a leader in wellness-driven business solutions. The beauty of the business is that As more businesses realize the real cost of stress and the value of authenticity in workplace cultures, Harmonna is set to scale and lead in transforming how companies integrate well-being into their strategies.

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