Anything is Possible –

This Is How It Happens

Brand Strategy IS Business Strategy.

We clarify and design the message, model, and experience of your business, making it attractive and functional using our Wintentional Brand MAPP. Let us elevate your entrepreneurial journey From Hustling to Wholeness by uncovering a brand philosophy and creating a strategy that authentically reflects your heart and genius, cultivating and activating your people – the audience who is ready to buy Your Signature Solution and join your community.

Inspire Customers and Employees, Create Lasting Value, and Grow Strategically.

You will Flourish with Grit, Grace & Gratitude.

Wintentional offers values-based brand design and strategy services to women leaders who are driven by world-changing missions. We provide consulting, programming, and information to help our clients achieve their goals.

This Is How It Happens: The Wintentional Brand MAPP

Your vision and your dream client are at the center of our process. We take it to heart and ensure that your authenticity is audible to attract the right people. When you show up in your Aligned Authentic Authority, the people who come to you understand who and what they are truly getting – the solution to their problem presented in a way that resonates with them.

Read Wintentional Magazine: Celebration, Education, and Affirmation For You!

How to Reclaim Your Time and Focus on What Matters
Can we be honest? Sometimes, we overload our to-do lists because it …
It’s Time to Play Bigger—Strategically
You do great work. As a small business owner, your focus on …
Your Mental Health Shapes Your Brand’s Potential
Therapy is often framed as a personal endeavor, and YES, but let’s …
Hustling Is Hurting Your Business: Using Strategic Action To Grow Well
You’ve left the corporate world to pursue entrepreneurship, but somehow, corporate hasn’t …