I just got done hosting a great LinkedIn audio event where we dove deep into SEO and digital marketing with Brandi Chaney. We had such an insightful conversation about how being super targeted and hyper-focused can really make a difference in your marketing efforts. I thought it’d be great to share some of the key takeaways with you.

Understanding SEO for Local Businesses

So, we kicked things off by discussing how SEO isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. If you’re in the local or home service industry, especially in a specific region like Palm Beach or South Florida, your approach to SEO should be different. Not everyone needs to jump into SEO right away. When you’re just starting out, it’s often more about building up your services or products and making a name for yourself based on what you provide.

But when you’re ready to scale and have specific revenue goals, that’s when SEO becomes a game-changer. It’s about getting people from online searches to find you organically. Nowadays, marketing is a holistic effort involving social media, YouTube, podcasts—you name it. You can work up to that holistic approach, but in the beginning, it’s all about chugging along and building things up.

Figuring Out What Works for You

We also talked about how to help people determine what marketing strategies will work best for them. It all starts with research and development. You need to find where your total addressable market actually is—identify your niche and your ideal customer avatar. What problems are you specifically trying to help them with?

Once you’ve honed in on your niche, you can take advantage of SEO and organic search. Knowing who your audience is—their age, sociographics, psychographics—helps you understand what they do when they come across a problem. This data lets you create problem/solution-led products or services that truly resonate with them.

The Friction with SEO and Bridging the Gap

One interesting point we discussed is the general friction people have with SEO. There’s tons of it right now! SEO has been around for a while, but it wasn’t something everyone was talking about 10 years ago. As it became a buzzword, more people started talking about it without fully understanding it. This has led to a lot of misconceptions.

Many business owners have had bad experiences because they’ve been misled by people who aren’t true experts. These folks might rely too heavily on AI tools or think they can shortcut the process. As a result, business owners get fed up when they don’t see the ROI they expected. This makes them nervous when real experts approach them.

The truth is, SEO isn’t just about using tools or following trends. It’s a strategic plan of execution that needs to be well thought out. Tools are helpful, but they can’t replace the right brain and strategy behind them. The new shiny tool isn’t the thing—it’s the expertise behind it that matters.

The Comeback of Forums and Community Engagement

Another exciting topic we delved into is how forums and community groups are making a big comeback. Platforms like Reddit are kicking butt for discoverability. Did you know that Google and Reddit formed a partnership? That tells us a lot about where we’re heading in terms of user-generated content (UGC).

People love to engage, tell stories, and share experiences on forums and social platforms. There’s a huge surge in Reddit, industry-based forums, and even platforms like Pinterest. Search engines are becoming more friendly to UGC, community-led niches, and platforms like Slack, Discord, and Mighty Networks.

These communities are powerful because they allow you to reach your target audience and then guide them to your site to take action. It’s not just about search anymore; it’s about video content, engaging in comment sections, and being part of the conversation.

Standing Out in a Crowded Space

With everyone becoming a content creator these days, ranking without a unique brand, product, or service is tough. It’s too convoluted because so many people are talking about the same things. Search engines want to make sure they’re providing content from people who truly know what they’re talking about—brand owners who can be trusted.

That’s why forums and social communities are taking over from traditional review sites. People trust firsthand experiences shared in these communities more than generic reviews.

Empowering Your Audience: A Real-Life Example

An author in the room asked about how to empower their audience, and we had a fantastic discussion. It’s not just about the book you create; it’s about what happens when people read it. For example, if you’re writing books for young girls, think about how parents engage with these books and how they can be part of their child’s literacy journey.

Maybe you can create a community around educational leadership and literacy. Start a Facebook group or a subreddit for parents who want to be more involved in their children’s education. Find angles that people haven’t spoken about and own that narrative. By doing this, you’re not just selling a book; you’re fostering growth and development in kids before they even get to school.

Recommendations and Next Steps

For those using platforms like Shopify for their websites, we offered a free mini-audit to discuss their site and get into the nitty-gritty. Audits can be incredibly helpful to understand where you are and what steps you need to take to improve your online presence.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the event was a treasure trove of insights into how businesses can strategically approach SEO, especially in localized and niche markets. The key takeaways were:

  • SEO is a Long Game: It’s not about quick fixes or relying solely on tools. It’s about strategic planning and execution.
  • Know Your Audience: Do your research to understand where your audience is and what they’re looking for.
  • Community is King: Engage in forums and communities where your audience spends time. User-generated content is powerful.
  • Be Unique and Authentic: With so much content out there, standing out means being genuine and offering something truly valuable.
  • Empower and Engage: Whether you’re an author or a business owner, think about how you can create a community around your product or service.

Remember, successful SEO and marketing efforts are about more than just tactics—they’re about building relationships, understanding your audience, and providing real value. If you’re considering diving deeper into SEO or want to chat about how it can help your business, feel free to reach out!

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